Traditional Masks
The "Raksha" mask is a traditional mask from Sri Lanka, often used in traditional dance performances and rituals. It represents a demon character with bulging eyes, protruding tongue, and fearsome expressions. These masks play a significant role in Sri Lankan culture, symbolizing protection against evil spirits and bringing blessings to the community.
Traditional Masks
Sanni masks are traditional wooden masks from Sri Lanka, used in ritualistic performances to ward off evil spirits and diseases. Intricately carved, they depict various demonic figures and spirits. These masks play a significant role in the country's cultural heritage, symbolizing the battle between good and evil in traditional dance forms.
Traditional Masks
Kolam masks in Sri Lanka are traditional wooden masks used in various cultural rituals and performances. Intricately carved and brightly painted, these masks represent different characters and deities, such as demons, animals, and folk heroes. They hold significant cultural and religious value, showcasing the rich artistic heritage of Sri Lanka.
Masques traditionnels du Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka a hérité et a été influencé par ces traditions de fabrication de masques (vesmuhunu ;) et de danse du diable, principalement des villes du Kerala et de Malabar en Inde, tandis que les artisans sri-lankais ont réussi à intégrer davantage de techniques décoratives et de couleurs dans les masques fabriqués aujourd'hui. L'art de la fabrication de masques a été perfectionné au fil des ans et les artisans ont pu proposer des designs nouveaux et améliorés par rapport à ceux que l'on trouvait dans l'ancien Sri Lanka.